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10:16 A typical day at Baldy Mesa Elementary School
Baldy Mesa provides students with a comprehensive educational experience by considering their academic and social-emotional needs in a caring community. During an average school day, it is common for students to engage with peers and teachers in various ways, including independent classwork, student partner work, collaborative groups, and Kagan learning structures.
Uploaded Dec 14, 2022
During the school year, we focus on our motto of Respect, Responsibility, and Roadrunner Pride.
Our goal is for students to internalize our motto.
Respect: treating others the way we want to be treated.
Responsibility, doing what needs to be done before doing what we want to do.
Road Runner Pride doing and being your best at all times and in all places.
Lastly, we want students to enjoy coming to school, and we have a host of community and school events designed to enrich the educational experience of students. Some of our enrichment and community events include duct taping the principals for 95% completion on our educational benefits form, various kindergarten parades, 911 ceremony, Veterans Day assemblies, Phelan Phun Days parade participation, BMX anti-bullying assembly, awards ceremonies, and various PTA events.
Baldy Mesa ofrece a los estudiantes una experiencia educativa integral teniendo en cuenta sus necesidades académicas y socioemocionales en una comunidad solidaria. Durante un día escolar promedio, es común que los estudiantes se involucren con sus compañeros y maestros de varias maneras, incluyendo trabajo independiente en clase, trabajo en pareja de estudiantes, grupos colaborativos y las estructuras de aprendizaje Kagan.
Durante el año escolar, nos enfocamos en nuestro lema de Respeto, Responsabilidad y Orgullo Roadrunner.
Nuestro objetivo es que los estudiantes interioricen nuestro lema.
Respeto: tratar a los demás como queremos ser tratados.
Responsabilidad, haciendo lo que hay que hacer antes de hacer lo que queremos hacer.
Orgullo Road Runner, haciendo y siendo lo mejor posible en todo momento y en todo lugar.
Por último, queremos que los estudiantes disfruten viniendo a la escuela y tenemos una serie de eventos comunitarios y escolares diseñados para enriquecer la experiencia educativa de los estudiantes. Algunos de nuestros eventos comunitarios y de enriquecimiento incluyen pegar con cinta adhesiva a los directores para que completen el 95% de nuestro formulario de beneficios educativos, varios desfiles de kinder, ceremonia 911, asambleas del Día de los Veteranos, participación en el desfile Phelan Phun Days, asamblea anti-bullying BMX, ceremonias de -
2:44 Duct Tape the Principals
Dear Baldy Mesa Families,
Uploaded Dec 05, 2022
Thank you for completing the Educational Benefits Form (EBF)
Due to your participation, we had a completion rate of over 95%
As a result, your child had a great time taping Mr. Walsh and myself to a wall on Friday!
Enjoy the following video showcasing all the fun!
Thank you again,
Mr. Conrad
Estimadas familias de Baldy Mesa,
Gracias por completar el Formulario de Beneficios Educativos (EBF)
Gracias a su participación, tuvimos una tasa de finalización de más del 95%
Como resultado, ¡su hijo se divirtió mucho pegándonos al Sr. Walsh ya mí en una pared el viernes!
¡Disfruta del siguiente video que muestra toda la diversión!
Gracias de nuevo,
Sr. Conrado -
Thank you to our wonderful PTA for sponsoring our Anti-Bully BMX Assembly today!
Uploaded Oct 21, 2022 to Parents -
3:09 22-23 Baldy Mesa TK & Kindergarten Arrival & Pick-Up Procedures
Hi Baldy Mesa,
Uploaded Aug 08, 2022 to Parents
This is Mr. Conrad with announcements for our kindergarten students and all parents regarding TK & Kindergarten Arrival & Dismissal Procedures. -
2:34 Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Hi, Baldy Mesa!
Uploaded Aug 05, 2022 to Parents
This is Mr. Conrad. the school principal. I want to welcome you to the 2022 to 2023 school year welcome! Roadrunners and Parents, I have lots of announcements and this is the first of two videos. This first video is just a welcome back video the second one has to do more with parking and transportation and all of those other things as well.
Alright, so our very first day of school is going to be August 11th. If you are in 1st - 5th grade our school hours are from 8 to 2:45 PM. If you are a kindergartener your school hours if you're a.m. kindergarten will be from 8 to 11:20 and if you are a pm kindergartener you will go from 11:25 until 2:45. Again our first day of school is going to be Thursday, August 11th.
August 10th. we will have our annual Back-to-School Night and that will be from 4:30 to 6 in the evening. So again Back to School Night is going to be on Wednesday, August 10th 4:30 to 6:00 PM.
Friday, August 12th we have our very first Spirit day. It is Neon Day or wear red. So every Friday we encourage our students to wear red to show school spirit and we also have monthly spirit days. And so our first Spirit day will be on Friday of wearing Neon.
Alright, parents, if you would like some more information about our school or any information at all please check out our website, is we also have a Facebook and Instagram and of course, ClassDojo all of those ways are ways to stay informed to just get information.
When you go under a website you can click on each page and toggle through it and each one will take you to whatever information you need.
One of the things that's on there, of course, is our bus applications if you were interested in having your child ride the bus please check that out it's a very simple short application however they do need a bus pass to ride the bus. First two weeks of school however no pass is required.
Alright, guys if you are interested in getting teacher information. information I know that's always a hot question this time of year,” Who is my child's teacher?" that information is going to become available. Please feel free to call the office will let you know who their teacher is you can also go onto Aeries which is a student management system it will have the information in there and of course, you can also ask us at our Back to School Night.
Alright everybody I hope that you have a great day and I'm looking forward to the 2022 to 2023 school year, thank you! -
6:48 Baldy Mesa Elementary School Arrival & Dismissal Information for 22-23 School Year! Uploaded Aug 05, 2022 to Parents