The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of administration, parents, and teachers. The role of the School Site Council is to advise and approve the SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement). SSC follows Robert's Rule and as such, mirrors what is seen during school board meetings and PTA meetings. SSC members generally serve for two years and are nominated and elected by parents and teachers.
Policymakers in states across the country agree that those who are involved with schools and students on a day-to-day basis – teachers, parents, and other school employees – can make some of the best decisions. This belief led to the creation of the school site council.
The SPSA outlines schoolwide goals and accounts for the spending of public funds.
Align with LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) written by the district.
Baldy Mesa Elementary School Site Council is made up of:
The Principal
Three Teachers
Five Parents
One Classified Employee
Meetings for 2024-2025 School Year
Schoolwide Election will be held by online ballot between Sept 4 and September 13, 2024